Computer Science != Software Engineering

Why Computer Science != Software Engineering ???

Everything that we do in daily life has some standards and principles that this should be like this and should not be. Whatever we do and what we have today evolved from years and still it's going to be evolving every time new updates will be added to the product but still the basic functionality should be the same.

In the same manner, the subjects we read in computer science are the basic principles that we are going to follow in making the software are going to be taught in computer science Engineering.

The principles that we learn in CS(computer science) has to be applied in the real world then only we will come to understand why those principles are meant to be and where those subjects and applications will be useful.

Best practices lead to Best development. so, when we want to make something in this Digital world we have to be aware of the environment that we are going to be implemented.

As a Software Engineer has to implement new things, have to be updated with the latest technology,
have to be aware of different articles, etc. Even though all these things are happening day by day the technology is changing the software engineer is learning even though it does not exist in the previous day. They can read because the underlying mechanism and principles that are followed to implement are the same.

So, we as a student, while reading an article or a subject or a language in computer science, we are going to see the implementation of the principles of a particular concept in computer science but not something happened newly. For everything that we build in this digital world is going to solve the problem of a particular business use case, to solve the particular problem as a software Engineer we are going to provide the basic solution using the existing languages meant for that.

As technology advances, the basic solution is going to be updated with new features and functionality to be added so that it's going to be compatible with the modern problems also will be useful for multiple purposes.

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