The Overview of a Software Industry

   The Overview of a Software Industry

           Many of us knowingly or unknowingly will choose Computer Science as a group in Engineering and continue with it.
Most of us choose a different group in Engineering and finally, the landing job will be in a software company. 
Different groups and different thoughts...etc.., have you ever thought about how things are working.
You can change your mindset if you came to how things are working around you.

As a student, starting Engineering in a college and reading subjects[40] in an academic year coming across different semesters[8] feels like 40 different people coming from 40 different countries created the subjects...

End of the day we feel like what is the relation between all these things...what can we do by learning all these subjects...

I will narrate a story to make you understand the concept...

            In the market, there is a company which sells books and getting profits. Selling the books in a small place earning some good amount of money. The more the company sells the more money it will earn get, to sell more it needs more market to get a good market place it chooses the Internet.

The Internet is the place where more people come together and share their views, thoughts, interests, and many more.

The company got the idea that selling books online make more profits and generates more profits with many more benefits.
So, the company approached a Software Company which can build a website and design as per the business needs so that it can scale the business.

The Books Company(BC) approached Software Company(SC)

Here the S-Company treats the B-Company as a client.

The S-Company people got the client they have to understand the business needs of the B-Company and has to design the WEBSITE to the B-Company people.

The B-Company people analyze the business requirements like when they can sell more books, 
which type of books, 
which kind of books,
At what price they are selling the books,
How much it costs for them,
In which area more books are sold out,...etc.., 
and finally, they will make an analysis report on their business.

They will give the report to the S-Company.
In the Software Company, we call this report as Bussiness logic
it tells how the business is running and also the needs and requirements of the B-company.

In the S-company (click on the link to see what will happen inside), they will start as a graphical design of the website to the client by giving some set of demos, which represents all the things that are expected to the customer from the B-company.

Then the B-company people approve of the design that is shown by the S-company. The S-company got the client then they will make design and deadlines according to the date given by the client or given to the client. Finally, the end product given to the client for doing business. The B-company people use this website and scale up their business and earns more profits than usual and make their work simple.

This is how every company in the market is working.
Here for the B-company, we can take the example of Amazon, earlier JeffBezos used to sell books in his place and later on the increase in the usage of the internet makes him do business online and so soon he accelerated the business in the market by adding more products in the website and earned profits.
