What to Choose among Job or Bussiness
As a Human Being, we need Shelter, Clothing and Food are the basic necessities for Life.
As life goes we have to maintain all those things we need the money and also to fulfill our Dreams.
To do all these things we need Money
How much money we want
........As big as our Dreams...

“Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.”
― Wings of Fire: An Autobiography
As life goes we have to maintain all those things we need the money and also to fulfill our Dreams.
To do all these things we need Money
How much money we want
........As big as our Dreams...
“Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.”
― Wings of Fire: An Autobiography
“Dream, Dream Dream
Dreams transform into thoughts
And thoughts result in action.”
Everyone has to earn their livelihood, Once as a guy after stepping out of the home we have to do so many things, In the worst case whatever the work is "we have to do" we have to say? Yes. Because we need Work to earn
The work what we get is an opportunity
So we have to do that to prove ourselves.
Going to School or College is not only Education, Learning and observing the things around us and understanding the things about their working and earning profits by managing the things around us is also Education
that one of the reasons so many people earned profits and lead their life without going to School or College.
After a certain age, we have to do a Job or Start a Bussiness.
Now, let us see how the market is working Cash is like water which flows from High-end people to Low-end people. It is like
"Do Something and get the Money from Other Pocket to Your Pocket"

So, when we start a Bussiness we Should have
--A land, Investment, Material, Bussiness Plan, People and many more that will drive the business
After getting all these things we will Do and Maintain the Bussiness.
Not for everyone the above things are possible because of various reasons.
But when a person Studies or have an Educational Degree, that is the Basic thing to kickStart his or her life with a good Salary.
With Educational Degree we will apply for a Job at a Bussiness owner.
Businesses run like a Fisherman throws his net to catch the fish.

The bigger net catches more fish so If we work for the fisherman we will get more fish as a Share.
The Business owner uses business logic to get the customers and if we work for the Bussiness man we will get the share within less time.
In the same way, investing Money and Time on yourself will pay the best Intrest and that is with low maintenance and Investment we will get a fixed Income.
Some people say Doing Bussiness is like Slavery and doesn't like to be under someone.
"When you are 20 to 30 years old, you should follow a good boss [and] join a good company to learn how to do things properly," --Jack Ma
Once we start working we will come to know how things are working and how to handle the situations and all.
Of course, some pressure will be there if we work under someone, It all depends on how you interact with your Boss and other Colleagues.
I would like to conclude,
Education is something helps in understanding things easily.
The job will earn money with low investment and time you will good profits
{It all depends on the work you do}.
Business is "Pay for Everything for what you get and Charge for what you did"
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