A basic Overview of Engineering subjects

As a student, joining computer science feels like that we are going to do something by becoming a software engineer.
In reality, we have to read so many languages, each semester is having some 6 to 8 subjects with labs.
Do we have to learn about all the subjects..?
Why we have to go through all of them..?
Can all these subjects will be useful for us..?
These kinds of questions will be roaming in mind once we saw our curriculum. I too felt the same.
Computer Science is just two words representing a vast syllabus.
A computer is a combination of Hardware, Software, and also having some memory able to perform some basic operations.
The earlier computer used to do some basic math operations and later on with advancements it is simplified and smart.
Now, it can do multiple things. It's just a dumb machine, it accepts the input from human and provides some output.
The computer connected with a network is doing lots of things.
It is simplified with the advancement of technology and now it is making things simpler.
Every smartphone is a computer and connecting them with the internet you can be able to access lots of things. These days businesses are running using them.
A computer is just a machine we have to tell it. It just knows On and Off (0's and 1's ) [Digital Logic Design]. We have to instruct it in its own language, which means we are giving. instructions to a computer about a task that's where Computer Organisation comes into the picture.
In reality, we have to read so many languages, each semester is having some 6 to 8 subjects with labs.
Do we have to learn about all the subjects..?
Why we have to go through all of them..?
Can all these subjects will be useful for us..?
These kinds of questions will be roaming in mind once we saw our curriculum. I too felt the same.
Computer Science is just two words representing a vast syllabus.
A computer is a combination of Hardware, Software, and also having some memory able to perform some basic operations.
The earlier computer used to do some basic math operations and later on with advancements it is simplified and smart.
Now, it can do multiple things. It's just a dumb machine, it accepts the input from human and provides some output.
The computer connected with a network is doing lots of things.
It is simplified with the advancement of technology and now it is making things simpler.
Every smartphone is a computer and connecting them with the internet you can be able to access lots of things. These days businesses are running using them.
A computer is just a machine we have to tell it. It just knows On and Off (0's and 1's ) [Digital Logic Design]. We have to instruct it in its own language, which means we are giving. instructions to a computer about a task that's where Computer Organisation comes into the picture.
With the advancements in everything, the way we are instructing to the computer also changed like a wafer chocolate
Inside Wafer outside chocolate, in the same way, the way we are instructing the computer hadn't changed the basic scenario is the same. The way we communicate with the computer is using language,
the languages are categorized into
the languages are categorized into
0's and 1's --Binary Language,
Middle-level, and
High-level languages.
languages like c,c++, Java....!
These languages are categorized based on paradigms.
Any application will be converted into 0's and 1's, this process happens while executing the application.
Middle-level, and
High-level languages.
languages like c,c++, Java....!
These languages are categorized based on paradigms.
Any application will be converted into 0's and 1's, this process happens while executing the application.
In Compiler Design, it will be explained how the high-level languages are converted into low-level one's.
The languages can be used to build a game, a business application, and automating regular tasks.
Once after building an application, it has to be deployed on the server to serve the needs via the network.
Computer Networks tells us about the interaction of communication of devices, the different topologies, security, firewalls.
The main Concept that everyone has to know is the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Layer.
All the subjects in Engineering are just the concepts that are not the actual things that we have to learn in the same way. For example the prime number program, palindrome program ....the basic 10 programs that we will solve while learning a programming language.
we have to focus on
solving the problem (Basic Analogy)
the step by step procedure to solve the problem(Algorithm)
Now, we have to implement them using a programming language that means we are instructing a computer.
Calculator, Tasklist, Contact list...in these, we can see different concepts of sorting and searching.
Data is everywhere.what we eat when we eat what kind of food we eat ...is the data about our food.
This can be used to analyze our food habits.
Programming and Data Structures. This helps in understanding the concepts of structuring the data, and the different ways of handling the data in the form of arrays, linked lists, queues.
Here, in this article, I have given a basic overview of subjects in engineering.
The subjects in engineering are just concepts that will help in solving different problems, we will face while implementing different solutions.
Don't learn the example learn the concept, understand and implement the concept
Build a small project in each semester.
!....Marks don't matter, What we did matters....!
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