In an e-commerce React app, you typically need multiple reducers to manage different parts of your application's state. Reducers help you keep your code organized and maintainable. Here are some examples of places where you might need to create multiple reducers:

1. **Product Management:**

   - Create a `productsReducer` to manage the state related to products, such as product listings, details, and reviews.

   - Another reducer like `cartReducer` can manage the shopping cart state, including cart items and their quantities.

2. **Authentication and User Management:**

   - Develop an `authReducer` to handle user authentication and user-related data (e.g., user profile, orders).

   - A separate `wishlistReducer` can manage the user's wishlist, tracking the products they've saved for later.

3. **Order Management:**

   - Implement an `ordersReducer` to manage user orders, including order history, status, and details.

   - This is distinct from the cart as it deals with completed transactions.

4. **Search and Filters:**

   - Create a `filterReducer` to handle state related to search queries, filters, and sorting options.

   - This reducer can manage the state for refining product listings.

5. **Notifications and Alerts:**

   - Develop a `notificationsReducer` to handle notifications and alerts that need to be displayed to the user.

   - It can manage notifications for successful orders, errors, promotions, and more.

6. **UI and App-Wide Settings:**

   - Maintain an `uiReducer` to control app-wide settings, such as theme selection, language preferences, and modals.

   - This reducer helps manage the global UI state.

7. **Payment and Checkout:**

   - Create a `checkoutReducer` to manage the state during the checkout process, including shipping information and payment details.

   - This is separate from the cart, as it deals with the finalization of an order.

8. **Admin Dashboard:**

   - If you have an admin panel, use an `adminReducer` to manage state related to admin-specific features and data.

   - This includes managing products, orders, and user data from the admin perspective.

9. **Search History and User Activity:**

   - Implement a `userActivityReducer` to track and manage user interactions, such as search history, viewed products, and recently visited pages.

10. **Recommendations and Personalization:**

    - Create a `recommendationsReducer` to handle state related to product recommendations and personalized content for users based on their behavior and preferences.

11. **Localization and Internationalization (L10n & I18n):**

    - Use a `localeReducer` to manage the user's chosen language, currency, and other localization-related settings.

12. **Analytics Integration:**

    - Develop an `analyticsReducer` to manage data related to analytics and tracking user behavior on the site.

13. **SEO and Metadata:**

    - Implement a `seoReducer` to manage the state related to SEO metadata, structured data, and other SEO-specific settings.

Each of these reducers serves a distinct purpose and helps organize your application's state management. You can then combine these reducers using Redux's `combineReducers` function to create the root reducer that handles the overall application state. This modular approach makes your codebase more maintainable and scalable as your e-commerce app grows in complexity.
